You can hide your documents in a JPEG image file.
1) Put your files in a RAR file. You can use WinRAR for that. I'll use abc.rar as an example.
2) Now move this RAR file into a particular folder. I'll use the C:\MyFolder here.
3) Have a JPEG/JPG file (The one in which you want to hide the stuff) in the same folder. I'll use Logo.jpg as an example.
Now in the command prompt navigate to the folder using cd MyFolder
now type this: copy /b Logo.jpg + abc.rar Logo.jpg
Now double-click on the Logo.jpg file it should open with your Picture viewer. To open it as a RAR file you can use open with from the files right-click menu and choose WinRAR Or drag it into WinRAR otherwise the JPG's open with will have a WinRAR entry. To make it more secure I recommend adding a password for the RAR file.